31 Days of Giving!


As you may know, we are preparing to receive the Visitation House in January which is going to provide a place for young Catholic men to have the proper environment they need to discern. Through work on the property, prayer in common, and community living they will learn how to live and interact as adults, and particularly as young men who desire a life dedicated to God whether it is priestly, religious, or in married life. This Visitation house is intended to fill a gap for early discerners and then feed them into the Avila Institute High Calling program if they discern they are called to the priesthood. 

Join us in this mission and help us cover the final costs both spiritually and financially!

You can join us spiritually by prayer. There are over 3600 people in AV. If each one of us prayed 1 Hail Mary a day for 31 days for this house, that would mean 111,600 petitions to Our Lady! Can you imagine? 

You can join us with a material gift of $1 a day for 31 days.  If everyone donated $31, we’d have $111,600 to cover the Visitation House. If you can afford more and could cover someone who can’t give, we could still meet our goal.  

Please, please join us in these “31 Days of Giving”!

Support the Men Discerning