St. Raphael Novena

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Novena to St. Raphael for the Financial Provision of our Our Lady of Mount Carmel Retreat and Center for Spiritual Formation

DAY 1 

“But I alone used to go often to Jerusalem for the festivals, as was prescribed for all Israel by longstanding decree. Bringing with me the first fruits of crops, the firstlings of the flock, the tithes of livestock, and the first shearings of sheep, I used to hasten to Jerusalem and present them to the priests, Aaron’s sons, at the altar. To the Levites ministering in Jerusalem I used to give the tithe of grain, wine, olive oil, pomegranates, figs, and other fruits. Six years in a row, I used to give a second tithe in money, which each year I would go to pay in Jerusalem.”  Tobit 1:6-7 

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“Give alms from your possessions. Do not turn your face away from any of the poor, so that God’s face will not be turned away from you. Give in proportion to what you own. If you have great wealth, give alms out of your abundance; if you have but little, do not be afraid to give alms even of that little. You will be storing up a goodly treasure for yourself against the day of adversity. For almsgiving delivers from death and keeps one from entering into Darkness. Almsgiving is a worthy offering in the sight of the Most High for all who practice it.” Tobit 4:7-11

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“Give to the hungry some of your food, and to the naked some of your clothing. Whatever you have left over, give away as alms; and do not let your eye begrudge the alms that you give.” Tobit 4:16

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“Now, I must tell you, son, that I have deposited in trust ten talents of silver with Gabael, the son of Gabri, at Rages in Media. Do not fear, son, that we have lived in poverty. You will have great wealth, if you fear God, avoid all sin, and do what is good before the Lord your God.” Tobit 4:20-21

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“But how will I be able to get that money from him, since he does not know me, and I do not know him? What sign can I give him so that he will recognize and trust me, and give me the money? I do not even know the roads to Media, in order to go there.”…"So, son, find yourself a trustworthy person who will make the journey with you, and we will give him wages when you return.”… “Tobiah went out to look for someone who would travel with him to Media, someone who knew the way. He went out and found the angel Raphael standing before him (though he did not know* that this was an angel of God).” Tobit 5:2-4

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“Then Tobiah called Raphael and said to him: “Brother Azariah, take along with you from here four servants and two camels and travel to Rages. Go to Gabael’s house and give him this bond. Get the money and then bring him along with you to the wedding celebration.” Tobit 9:1-2

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“Prayer with fasting is good. Almsgiving with righteousness is better than wealth with wickedness. It is better to give alms than to store up gold, for almsgiving saves from death, and purges all sin. Those who give alms will enjoy a full life, but those who commit sin and do evil are their own worst enemies.” Tobit 12:8-10

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“I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord. Greatly shaken, the two of them fell prostrate in fear. But Raphael said to them: “Do not fear; peace be with you! Bless God now and forever. As for me, when I was with you, I was not acting out of any favor on my part, but by God’s will. So bless God every day; give praise with song.” Tobit 12:15-18

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“Now, my children, I give you this command: serve God sincerely and do what is pleasing in his sight; you must instruct your children to do what is right and to give alms, to be mindful of God and at all times to bless his name sincerely and with all their strength.” Tobit 14:9 

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Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace.

You are a guide of those who journey, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels.

Because you are the medicine of God, I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor of guidance in finding financial provision for Apostoli Viae, Avila Foundation and the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Retreat and Center for Spiritual Formation, as you helped Tobiah journey to Media for his father’s wages. We also ask for great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glorious St. Raphael, of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of Him who lives and reigns, Angel of physical and spiritual health, the Lord has filled your hand with balm from heaven to sooth or cure our pains. We ask for your intercession to walk with us, heal us and guide us in our doubtful ways. 

Glory be…


Almighty, Eternal Triune God, before we implore Your servants, the holy angels, and call upon them for help, we fall on our knees and adore You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Be honored and praised for all eternity, and may all angels and men, whom You created, adore, love and serve You, O Holy, Mighty and Immortal God! You also, Mary, Queen of the Angels, graciously accept the supplications we address to your servants. We beg you, Mediatrix of all Graces and all-powerful Intercessor, bring these our petitions to the throne of the Most High that we may find grace, salvation and help! Amen. You great, holy angels, you have been given to us by God for our protection and help!


We implore you in the name of the Triune God: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the name of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the all-powerful name of Jesus: hasten to help us!
We implore you by all the wounds of Our Lord Jesus: hasten to help us!
We implore you by all the sufferings of Our Lord Jesus: hasten to help us!
We implore you by the holy word of God: hasten to help us!
We implore you by the Heart of Our Lord Jesus: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the name of God’s love for us, the poor: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the name of God’s faithfulness to us, the poor: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the name of God’s mercy toward us, the poor: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the name of Mary, Queen of heaven and earth: hasten to help us!
We implore you in the name of Mary, your Queen and Lady: hasten to help us!
We implore you by your own beatitude: hasten to help us!
We implore you by your own fidelity: hasten to help us!
We implore you by your warfare for the kingdom of God: hasten to help us!
We implore you: Cover us with your shield!
We implore you: Protect us with your sword!
We implore you: Illumine us with your light!
We implore you: Save us under the protective mantel of Mary!
We implore you: Hide us in the heart of Mary!
We implore you: Place us in the hands of Mary!
We implore you: Show us the way to the gate of life, the open Heart of Our Lord!
We implore you: Guide us safely to the heavenly Father's House!
All you nine choirs of blessed spirits: hasten to help us!
You, our special companions, who have been given to us by God: hasten to help us!


The Precious Blood of Our Lord and King was poured out for the sake of us, the poor: hasten, help us, we implore you!
The Heart of Our Lord and King beats in love of us, the poor: hasten, help us, we implore you!
The Immaculate Heart of Mary most pure, Your Queen, beats in love for us, the poor: hasten, help us, we implore you!

SAINT MICHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL, Prince of the heavenly hosts, conqueror of the infernal dragon, you received from God the strength and power to destroy with humility the pride of the powers of darkness. We implore you, help us to true humility of heart, to unshakable fidelity to fulfill always the Will of God, and to fortitude in sufferings and trials. Help us to stand before the judgement seat of God!

SAINT GABRIEL, THE ARCHANGEL, Angel of the Incarnation, faithful messenger of God, open our ears to even the gentle warnings and appeals of the loving Heart of Our Lord. Stand ever before us, we implore you, that we may properly understand the Word of God, follow and obey it, and fulfill that which God expects of us. Help us to watchful readiness so that when the Lord comes, He may not find us sleeping!

SAINT RAPHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL, arrow and medicine of Divine love, wound our hearts, we implore you, with the burning love of God and let this wound never heal, so that even in daily life we might always remain upon the path of love and overcome all things through love!


Protect us from ourselves, from our own cowardice and tepidity, from our self-seeking and avarice, from our envy and mistrust, from our craving for satiation, comfort and recognition. Free us from the bonds of sin and attachment to worldly things. Take the blindfold from our eyes that we ourselves placed there so that we might not see the misery around us, but complacently look to and pity ourselves. Set the goad of holy restlessness for God in our hearts, so that we never cease to seek God with longing, contrition and love! 

Behold, the precious Blood of Our Lord which was shed for our sake. Behold, the tears of your Queen, which she shed for our sake. Behold, the Divine Image in us, which God so lovingly impressed upon our souls and which is now disfigured by our sins. Help us to know and adore God, to love and serve Him! Help us in the battle with the powers of darkness, who insidiously stalk and oppress us! Help us, that none of us may be lost, but rather rejoicing we may one day be united in eternal happiness! Amen.

image: Tobiah Meets the Archangel Raphael, c. 1640, by Andrea Vaccaro ( 1604-1670) / HIP / Art Resource, NY


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