- To be prayed from August 1st to the 9th -
Dear Friends,
Please join with us in this novena to Saint Theresa Benedicta of the Cross. We ask that you join your personal intentions with that of our community and that you repeat these listed below aloud before your prayers on each day of the novena:
That the Lord would use the Apostoli Viae community to help heal the deep wounds in the Church and the world through the power of authentic encounter with Jesus and the life changing grace and provision of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
(to be said each day, followed by that day’s prayer)
Dearest Sister in Christ, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, I come to you today to ask for your help.
You were blessed by so many graces during your short life—conversion of heart, peace in the midst of an unthinkable storm, unwavering trust in Divine Providence, inconceivable courage, embracing the Cross, compassionate sacrifice, total surrender, a deep longing for the Kingdom of God, and a selfless love for your neighbor. Although it took you some time to find and give yourself to Jesus, once you did, you said that if anyone came to you, you would lead them to Him.
I beg of your prayers this day and every day for the rest of my life. Please walk with me during this novena, as I ask Your Spouse to bless me with the Heavenly Graces He showered upon you during your lifetime. From your happy place in Heaven, lead me to Him so that He might bless me and make me more like Him, so that one day, I can love Him completely, with you, in Heaven.
Dear St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, child of the Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur, daughter of Abraham, bride of Christ, seeker of truth, scholar of the Church, handmaid of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, servant of the Suffering Servant, presence of mercy, victim of victimizer, embracer of the Cross of Christ-like love, Martyr of Auschwitz, imitator of Jesus, conqueror of evil, friend of God, Edith, please pray for me and intercede for my petitions:
Mention your petitions…
Lord God, Heavenly Father, You blessed St Teresa Benedicta abundantly throughout her life and brought her to fully embrace the Cross at the hour of her martyrdom. Through her intercession, grant us these same graces, so that we might imitate Your Son and grow closer to You every day of the rest of our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
“God, hear me, I implore You, and listen to my prayer. You saw me stand before You in darkness and despair. O lift me, gracious Ruler, upon a rocky peak. With hope I look to see You, God, Your guiding Hand I seek.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St. Teresa Benedicta, you were born to a Jewish family and, in the course of your young life, you fell away from the Jewish faith. Living a life without any belief in God, you met with friends who had converted after suffering loss, and you wrote: “This was my first encounter with the Cross and the divine power it imparts to those who bear it ... it was the moment when my unbelief collapsed and Christ began to shine his light on me — Christ in the mystery of the Cross.”
Later, after spending an evening reading the autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, you wrote, “When I had finished the book, I said to myself: This is the truth.” As you looked back on this experience, you wrote: “My longing for truth was a single prayer.”
St. Teresa, please ask Our Heavenly Father to shine His light on me as He did on you—to teach me the ways of everlasting life and to help me understand and imitate the mystery of His Cross. Ask Him for me, sister, that He might purify my intentions so that everything I do, everything I say, and everything I think is only done to satisfy His will. Ask Him to make my life a single prayer, just as yours once was.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“You are a sturdy tower Resisting every foe. I fear no stormy weather, With You I have no woe. You’ll offer me safekeeping Within Your tent of love, From danger I’m protected By sheltering wings above.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St Teresa, after saying goodbye to your family before entering the convent, you wrote, “I did not feel any passionate joy. What I had just experienced was too terrible. But I felt a profound peace — in the safe haven of God’s will.” But leaving your family for Carmel was hardly the hardest thing you experienced in life. Even in the shadows of Auschwitz, you were noticed as being a beacon of calm in the midst of the storm.
I hope to never experience anything as horrific as the Holocaust, dearest sister, but please ask God to give me the strength to remain peaceful in Him, no matter what He has in store for me. This life is a mere preparation for the next. Help me to keep my eyes on Him, come what may.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“O Prince of Peace, to all who receive You, You bring light and peace. Help me to live in daily contact with You, listening to the words You have spoken and obeying them. O Divine Child, I place my hands in Yours; I shall follow You. Oh, let Your divine life flow into me.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, you once wrote: “Things were in God’s plan which I had not planned at all. I am coming to the living faith and conviction that — from God’s point of view — there is no chance and that the whole of my life, down to every detail, has been mapped out in God’s divine providence and makes complete and perfect sense in God’s all-seeing eyes.”
What trust! And how freeing this realization must have been.
Dearest sister in Jesus, please ask your Heavenly Spouse to give me this grace to trust in Him completely and to know that, no matter what, His will is best. While I can only see a few feet in front of me, He has my whole life planned out. All I need to do is say “yes”, and He will take me to the highest heights. Yes, Lord. Thy will be done in all things.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“O my God, fill my soul with holy joy, courage and strength to serve You. Enkindle Your love in me and then walk with me along the next stretch of road before me. I do not see very far ahead, but when I have arrived where the horizon now closes down, a new prospect will open before me and I shall meet with peace.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St Teresa, shortly before your death, you said, “I never knew that people could be like this, neither did I know that my brothers and sisters would have to suffer like this. ... I pray for them every hour. Will God hear my prayers? He will certainly hear them in their distress.”
What courage! And yet I know that this courage was a gift from God, a grace He gave you to do His will.
Ask Him for me, sister, to grant me the same grace. While my future may not be similar to yours, I know that my path will be its own Calvary, and I must carry the Cross that Our Lord created just for me. Please ask Him to help me carry my cross with courage and love, so that all who see me walking will be edified and will see Him strengthening me along the way.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“The world is in flames. The conflagration can also reach our house. But high above all flames towers the Cross. They cannot consume it. It is the path from earth to heaven. It will lift one who embraces it in faith, love, and hope into the bosom of the Trinity.
“The world is in flames. Are you impelled to put them out? Look at the Cross. From the open heart gushes the blood of the Savior. This extinguishes the flames of hell.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St Teresa, as your martyrdom neared, you wrote, “I understood the Cross as the destiny of God’s people, which was beginning to be apparent at the time. I felt that those who understood the Cross of Christ should take it upon themselves on everybody’s behalf.”
Carrying my cross seems so difficult, St. Teresa Benedicta, but if I were to fearlessly embrace it for the benefit of others as you, yourself did... I know He would give me the strength I need. Please ask Jesus to help me embrace my cross as you did, in atonement for my sins and in reparation for the sins of others. God made this cross just for me, I know. Ask Him to give me the graces I need to carry it with love, until I can lay it down at the gates of Heaven.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“I will go unto the altar of God. It is not myself and my tiny little affairs that matter here, but the great sacrifice of atonement. I surrender myself entirely to Your divine will, O Lord. Make my heart grow greater and wider, out of itself into the Divine Life.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St Teresa, you once wrote, “I ask the Lord to accept my life and my death … so that the Lord will be accepted by His people and that His Kingdom may come in glory, for the salvation of Germany and the peace of the world.”
Instead of bemoaning your horrible fate or complaining about the dire circumstances of the end of your life, you willingly poured out your life for your people, for those who killed you, and for peace in the world. St Teresa Benedicta, please ask your Heavenly Spouse to grant me the grace to offer up all the sacrifices I can throughout my life for the atonement of sins and the conversion of sinners, especially for those who hurt me directly. Make my entire life one of sacrifice, so I can offer everything up to God, Who gives me everything out of love.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“To be a child of God means to walk at the hand of God, to do God’s will, to put all worries and all hopes in God’s hands. . . . God in us, and we in Him, that is our portion in the divine realm for which the incarnation laid the foundation.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
St Teresa, as synagogues were burning and the Jewish people were being subjected to the most horrific of terrors, you wrote in your last Will and Testament, “Even now I accept the death that God has prepared for me in complete submission and with joy as being his most holy will for me.”
As I think on the circumstances of your martyrdom, my mind reels. You accepted this death and offered it up with joyful trust and surrender. And I? I have a hard time dealing with even the smallest challenges in my life. Please pray for me that I would have the strength to look to my judgment and lift my mind and heart to heaven for the strength I need to walk through the darkness and lead others to do the same.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“The eyes of the Crucified look down on you—asking, probing. Will you make your covenant with the Crucified anew in all seriousness? What will you answer him? ‘Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’” —St. Teresa Benedicta
Dearest St. Teresa, since the day Christ laid claim on your heart, you never desired anything more than to be with Him. Your detachment from all things of this Earth is truly inspirational, and clearly, a grace from your Heavenly Spouse.
I long for this detachment, St. Teresa. I long to spend eternity in the Kingdom of God. Please ask Jesus to give me the grace to be untiring in my efforts to join Him in Heaven. I want to never give up, never give in as I strive to join you, my Guardian Angel, and all the saints, in Heaven, where I can sing His praises for eternity.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.
“Do you hear the groans of the wounded on the battlefields in the west and the east? You are not a physician and not a nurse and cannot bind up the wounds. You are enclosed in a cell and cannot get to them. Do you hear the anguish of the dying? You would like to be a priest and comfort them. Does the lament of the widows and orphans distress you? You would like to be an angel of mercy and help them. Look at the Crucified.” —St. Teresa Benedicta
Brave and selfless St Teresa, as you and your sister were arrested and taken from your beloved Carmel, you said to her, “Come, we are going for our people.” You gave so little thought to your own fate, but instead, thought of the valuable sacrifice you would be offering up for those who were about to kill you and millions more.
How can I love in the face of such hatred? How can I think so little of myself in such a time as this? I beg of you, dearest sister, to ask Jesus to give me the grace to be so giving, so selfless, so humble. The thought of it is inconceivable, but I know that nothing is impossible for God. Your life and conversion is proof of that.
Saint Teresa Benedicta, please pray for me and all my intentions.