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Discernment of Spirits Summary Guide - First Rules (1-14)

DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS SUMMARY – First Rules (1-14) Process: 1) Awareness 2) Understanding 3) Action: Resist/Embrace Definitions/Fruits: Desolation: Inspirations to Doubt – Despair – Narcissism Consolation: Inspirations to Faith – Hope - Love Sources: 1) Yourself, 2) Good Spirits (GS), 3) Bad Spirits (BS) Persons moving away from God to serious ...

32 79

The Other Side of Pain and Suffering

If I have not been in pain, He has not relieved me If I have not been sad, He has not lifted my heart to heaven If I have not been reviled, He has not comforted me If I have not been abandoned, He has not come to me If I have not been broken, He has not healed me If I have not been lost, He has not shown me the way If I have not been in sin, He has not redeemed me If I have...

75 68

Contemplation - Spiritual Dictionary

Contemplation is an infused supernatural gift that originates completely in God.

20 26

You are Beautiful

Do you feel ugly inside or outside, unworthy of love? You may be surprised to discover what God thinks about you...

22 38

Learning to Yield and Rest in the Silence - St. Teresa of Avila - Book of Her Life - 11:15

An audio reflection on how to deal with the struggle that comes when the Lord moves us into the deeper prayer of silence.

43 80

He is Risen!

Hallelujah – He is Risen! It is humorous and a bit troubling that you received a post this morning entitled, “Wicked Discernment.” On top of that, I did attempt to resurrect a post on Easter that failed (no pun intended). The technology was smarter than me. As I was thinking about it though, it occurred to me that maybe this was an Easter message. It certainly is providenti...

10 20

A Wicked Discernment

Are you seeking a sign to know God's will?

65 68

Lenten Preparation - Making Giving Right for Lent

How do I deal with almsgiving and giving in general during and even after lent?

9 25