Holy Father, who joined together by a virginal bond the glorious Mother of your Son and the just man, Saint Joseph,
that they might be faithful cooperators in the mystery of the Word Incarnate,
grant, we pray, that we who are united with you by the bond of baptism
may live more intimately our union with Christ and may walk more joyfully in the way of love.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, you...
Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to You All. I had trouble getting this video together - the system failed several times. You will notice this right near the end...
If I have not been in pain, He has not relieved me
If I have not been sad, He has not lifted my heart to heaven
If I have not been reviled, He has not comforted me
If I have not been abandoned, He has not come to me
If I have not been broken, He has not healed me
If I have not been lost, He has not shown me the way
If I have not been in sin, He has not redeemed me
If I have...