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The Mission of Apostoli Viae

The mission of the Apostles of the Way is to live, light, and lead the Way to union with God.

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How does Apostoli Viae provide formation for its members?

Question: How does Apostoli Viae provide formation for its members? Answer: There are a number of direct and indirect paths of formation in Apostoli Viae. All of our formation has two purposes 1) to draw the Apostoli Viae member ever more deeply into relationship with God, and 2) to equip them to do the same for others. Here are a few key paths of formation: Community Cenacle Gatherings (...

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A Japanese Hibachi Encounter

God is full of surprises. Tonight Stephanie and I ended up alone at a Japanese Hibachi restaurant (to dodge the Halloween crowd). We were joined by a family we did not know and quickly struck up a conversation. They are Evangelical Christians that have attended the Church of the Highlands for years. We talked about our faith and the father (Jay) revealed he had a number of friends that had conv...

Firelight Silent Retreat - Young Adults and College Students

Kristin Aebli, Maggie Herd, and I were blessed to put on a silent retreat for Alabama Young Adults and College Students at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Yes, that is a rainbow in the background on the right side of the featured photo. The focus of the retreat was on forgiveness - both receiving God's forgiveness and then offering it to those who have hu...

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Of Saints and Snooze Buttons

Saints know nothing of snooze buttons. Because they know nothing of snooze buttons, they know much of encountering God in the sublime silence of the early dawn. Our bodies, our lower natures seek to own us. Our flesh is ever ready to rule and guide us and take the place of God. This is why we have such harsh language provided by the Holy Spirit through St. Paul: "For those who live a...

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Keeping Youth in the Church

This is an important reflection on the mistakes that we make when we seek to keep youth engaged. Unfortunately I have seen these mistakes played out for decades in the protestant and now Catholic Church. Those denominations who used this method are all closing their doors because by seeking to be relevant, they have made themselves irrelevant. There is much wisdom here and this is very much wor...

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Should I pursue balance in my spiritual life?

It is common for those who are fervent to be criticized for their energetic love of the faith. Should that fervor be tempered?

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The Lord is Compassion and Love

Many believe that the God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath and the God of the New Testament is a God of mercy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are One. Our God has always been a God of mercy.

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A Beautiful Investiture - Bishop Olmsted and Claire Dwyer

Claire Dwyer was doubly blessed by her recent investiture into Apostoli Viae. The reason is that the ceremony was presided over by one of the holiest Bishops in the United States, Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix. We are not able to attend all remote ceremonies but in this case, Stephanie was in Phoenix at the National Convention of Vocation Directors talking with them about our High Calling semina...

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