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Forgive us, Father - Novena of Reparation for Sins against the Eucharist

Dear Apostoli Viae Friends and Family, Please join me in an important novena of reparation which will begin on Sunday, January 24th (feast of St. Francis de Sales) and end on Tuesday, February 2nd (feast of the Presentation of the Lord). To kick off this novena, I will lead a panel discussion this Sunday at 3:00 PM Central time with Dr. Peter Kwasniewski and Dr. Janet Smith on the topic of u...

74 26

Is it God's will for me to receive the Covid vaccine?

Is it God's will for me to receive the covid vaccine?

64 71

Seeking God in Experience - St. John of the Cross - Spiritual Canticle 1:12

Seeking the experience of God will always eventually result in confusion, disillusionment, and even loss of faith.

12 36

Self-Knowledge - Self-Perception - Self-Deception

How do we come to a clear and accurate understanding of who we are and where we stand before God?

33 59

Carmelite Spiritual Warfare Prayer - Carmelite Invocation

Come Holy Spirit with Thy Seven-fold gifts and anoint us with Thy Divine light, wisdom, and power. Come Lord Jesus Christ and anoint us with Thy Precious Blood, freeing us from every snare and stronghold of the principalities and powers of darkness. O Mother of God, glorious and Immaculate ever Virgin Mary, come and crush the head of the ancient serpent. O great father, St. Joseph, terror of de...

165 208

Why Did Jesus Say that it is Impossible for the Wealthy to be Saved?

Dan reflects on the effects of wealth and the antidotes, that if heeded, will allow for the wealthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

35 50

Is Apostoli Viae Conservative or Liberal?

In this reflection Dan explores the challenges associated with using "liberal" or "conservative" to label Catholics with respect to where they stand in the Church.

68 85

The God of Wayward Children

What is God's advice and perspective for us when the prodigal wants to leave our care, our words, our home?

30 45

Demons who Guard the Outer Court of the Interior Castle

St. Teresa of Avila speaks of demons who guard the outer court of the interior castle...

62 86